Bamboo for Integrated Development-Ghana as aligned to the United Nation’s Sustainable Development goals categorises its projects and activities into addressing four main global issues, Food security, Gender Equality and Climate resilience.
BIDG in collaboration with our local and international partners is constantly researching on innovative ways of highly productive and sustainable agriculture with regenerative impact to the environment.
Our Resilient Bamboo Agroforestry System blends the champion grass, Bamboo with timber, fruit- trees and cash crops in a manner that produces yields at substantial and sustainable rates. An all-round yearly production of food crops depicts ever present produce for sale and consumption. This ensures nutrition and micro economic development for target communities.
Bamboo and its leaves builds soil and protects it from erosion. It holds water during rainy periods and makes it available to its surrounding during dry spells.
BIDG through demonstrations and workshops through farmer associations and co-operatives facilitates good agricultural and no tillage practices. Bamboo propagation and basic clump management forums teaches interested farmers how to successfully grow bamboo to produce quality and high valued culms. Our efforts give birth to a generation of eco smart agripreneurs who are producing abundant food and creating wealth through bamboo marketing and processing.
Woman in Ghana exhibit exceptional leadership abilities and play a very important role in the socio economics.
Additional livelihoods from bamboo cultivation, marketing and processing guarantees regular income for women and this we believe will translate into provision of healthy nutrition in children and their increased enrolment in schools. We encourage women to learn simple bamboo processing skills like handicraft and basketry that can be utilized domestically or sold.
Climate Resilience
Forests are constantly being converted into agricultural lands at fast rates.
Carbon dioxide deficit in the atmosphere caused by the reduction in plant life for absorption among other factors is accelerating the climate change phenomenon. Its adverse effect causes weather extremes and is considered a threat to agriculture and humanity as a whole. Poor rural communities to a large extent bear the wrath of climate change. Heavy wind and rainfalls cause soil erosion, mineral disposition and leaching. Extreme and prolonged dry seasons spells crop failure leading food scarcity and hunger and malnutrition in children.
BIDG introduces bamboo to vulnerable communities to help improve their resilience and adverse effects of climate change. The Champion grass, as it is called, has the ability of storing 50 tons of Co2 per Ha per year and holds its carbon throughout its end use making the resource’s life cycle almost carbon neutral. Its sophisticated root systems have excellent water holding capacities. Bamboo builds soil and protects it from erosion. A bamboo Agroforestry system utilizes the excesses of the phenomenon to the benefit of local communities, thereby restoring the productive, protective and regulatory functions of local climates, to the level whereby the micro-climate community is active, water cycles begin and soils have the natural capacity to be highly productive without artificial amendments. Water cycles can be restored.